Most families with young kids put off death, emergency and guardianship planning because it just doesn’t seem that urgent. You are young, it's unlikely you will die tomorrow right? But as a result, if you die, or an accident puts you in the hospital long term, your lack of planning abandons your children to strangers. Your kids, who depend on you … [Read more...]
Who Should Have an Estate Plan? Do I Need One?
Right out of the gate, the resounding answer to this question is EVERYONE above the age of 18 needs an estate plan. And thus, Yes!! YOU NEED AN ESTATE PLAN. The only person who does not need an estate plan is immortal. And I would make an argument that even an immortal should have an estate plan as how else will they transfer their amassed wealth … [Read more...]
How To Involve Your Family In Your Estate Plan
When deciding your estate plan, there are many things you have to think about. Choosing the right plan, executing and organizing the documents, and meeting with your attorney are all part of the job of planning what will happen to your estate. But one thing that is integral to the process is often the one reason you want to plan in the first place: … [Read more...]